Navigating the process of immigration from one country to another can be difficult. We’ve collected the most frequently asked questions and provided answers from an immigration professional.
If you have any further questions you would like to ask an immigration professional please Book Consultation online to speak with a RP immigration representative.

Before making the decision to choose an immigration representative, you may wonder whether or not you even need one. After all, you may know people who have successfully obtained their visas without hiring an immigration lawyer or consultant. You may have heard stories of people simply filling out the forms, paying the government fees and they have been issued their visas.

However, you may have also heard of cases where the adventurous have gone it alone only to find that their visa application was refused. These stories are just that: stories.

Our position on applying for a visa without the benefit of legal representation is that it is a risk that just is not worth taking. While it is true that it is possible for you to represent yourself in some simple immigration matters, the reality is that in doing so you are taking a big gamble.

Immigration laws are constantly changing and are very complex. You may have some basic understanding of what is involved in applying for a visa, but unless you are a full-time immigration professional, you will not be aware of all the issues which may impact your case. Moreover, even if you apply on your own and get your visa, you may have created some problems that could impact your status long after your visa has been issued. So what seemed like a successful visa application, may turn out to be just the opposite.

Does this mean that we think you should leave it all up to the experts? No way.

We believe that it is important that applicants educate themselves about the visa process and work with a professional as a team. Both applicants and immigration professionals working together can maximize the applicant’s chances of success. Applicants know more about their personal circumstances than the professional, whereas the professional knows more about immigration law. Successful immigration cases result from bringing applicants and immigration professionals together to work as a team.

Many people mistakenly believe that all that is involved in applying for immigration is completing some forms and paying a fee. Nothing can be further from the truth. Completing your immigration forms accurately and honestly is essential of course but what really may make the difference between a successful application and one that is refused are the documents that you include in your application that are in support of your case.

Not only do your documents serve to substantiate the information that you have filled in on your application, but they also tell the visa officer reviewing the case, your story. The documents show the visa officer that not only do you qualify for a visa but that there is a real live person behind the application who really needs a visa.

Proper presentation of your documents is also important. The more organized your documents are, the less risk there is of frustrating the visa officer by making it difficult for him or her to find the relevant information. Your goal as an applicant (and our goal) should be to make the visa officer’s job as easy as possible. Nothing is worse than presenting a disorganized application that annoys a visa officer.

What documents are you required to include with your application? The answer depends on the nature of the application that you are submitting. For example, the documents that are required in support of a Study Permit application are much different than those required for an independent/skilled worker application. In most cases, the applications contain instructions on which documents are required for a particular application. Generally, you are asked to include documents proving your identity such as birth certificates or national identity cards. If you are married, you should also include your marriage certificate.

Do you have to submit original documentation? In most cases, photocopies of documents are acceptable but be prepared to submit original employment references and police clearance certificates. Each application has specific requirements for documents. It is important to carefully check what is required.

Documents tell your story. Make sure to include all relevant documents in support of your immigration case.

Before taking you on as a client, we will always conduct a comprehensive assessment of your specific situation. This involves listening to you and understanding your background, history, and objectives. Only after getting a clear idea of your unique issues, can we provide you with solutions that will work. And we will tell you whether we can help, what steps must be taken, how long, and at what cost.

We have an online assessment form which is the first step towards understanding your case. Fill it out and expect to be contacted within one business day!

After conducting your immigration assessment and if you are eligible for a visa, our expert will ask you to sign a “Retainer Agreement” that clearly outlines the nature of the case, the legal fees and other costs as well as our role and what we expect from you as our client. A representative will then send you a detailed list of documentation by email guiding you on what is needed for your file and will begin gathering the necessary information in order to complete any application forms, legal submissions, or other paperwork necessary. After your file is complete and ready, we will send it to you for review and signature. And then your application will be submitted to the immigration authorities on your behalf, ensuring that your file gets into the correct hands and is processed in a timely manner. Of course, during the application process, we will keep you informed on what’s going on and you can always contact us any time with your questions and concerns. Once your Visa or permit is ready to be issued, we will make sure it’s delivered to you so things go smoothly when you are ready to make the move.

Yes! Our director, Mr. Ravi Pula is a licensed immigration consultant (RCIC). We are centrally located in Mississauga but can process cases for people from all over the world. This means we can represent you no matter where you presently live.

Further, we are totally accessible by phone, email, and video conference. The nature of immigration practice does not require the inconvenience of your physical attendance at our offices.

We represent clients from throughout the world. Through the use of the latest technology, they are equipped to handle all immigration and visa cases for you regardless of your current location.

You can reach us via phone or email at any time. But we strongly recommend you to book a consultation with us using this link.
